UMass Boston

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Cortical/Cerebral Visual Impairment Certificate

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Bolster your understanding of brain-based visual impairment.

UMass Boston's certificate in cortical/cerebral visual impairment, or CVI, offers in-depth knowledge about brain-based visual impairment. Students learn about brain-based visual impairments and their impact on human functioning. As a large part of the vision professional’s caseload, this specialization in CVI is critical to support assessment and instructional strategies for students and adults with visual impairment.

Curriculum & Outcomes

Candidates progress through a sequence of coursework and field-based experiences to acquire in-depth knowledge about brain-based visual impairment, with the goal of better supporting students and adults with visual impairment.

Our graduates work in a variety of vocational, avocational, educational, and independent living settings to support people with visual impairment.

For more information about the CVI certificate program, email Professor Laura Bozeman or Professor Tammy Reisman.

Start Your Application

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How to Apply

Applicants must meet general graduate admission requirements in addition to the following program-specific requirements:

  • A bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited U.S. institution of recognized standing or an international equivalent at the time of enrollment
  • A minimum, cumulative GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale (or international equivalent) in all undergraduate work
  • Official transcripts for all institutions where you have earned more than 6 credits
  • MTEL scores
  • 2-3 letters of recommendation

Deadlines & Cost

Deadlines: June 15 for fall

Application Fee: The nonrefundable application fee is $75. UMass Boston alumni and current students that plan to complete degree requirements prior to graduate enrollment can submit the application without paying the application fee.

Estimate Your Program Cost: Get a feel for your expected program costs using the Graduate Program Cost Calculator.

Program Cost Information: For more detailed information on costs, please visit the Bursar's website.


Required Courses (15 Credits)

  • VISN 648 - Cortical/Cerebral Visual Impairment 3 Credit(s)
  • VISN 651 - Vision and the Brain: Neurology 3 Credit(s)
  • VISN 652 - Assessment for Students with Cortical/Cerebral Visual Impairment 3 Credit(s)
  • VISN 653 - Promising Practices for Teaching Students with CVI 3 Credit(s)
  • VISN 654 - Consultation and Collaboration Strategies 3 Credit(s)

For more information on curriculum, including course descriptions and degree requirements, visit the Academic Catalog.

Graduation Criteria

Complete 15 credits from five required courses.

Statute of limitations: Three years


Graduate Program Director Laura Bozeman
Laura.Bozeman [@]
(617) 287-4385

Program Coordinator Tammy Reisman
tammy.reisman [@]
(617) 287-7668

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UMass Boston programs are designed to meet the requirements for licensure or certification in Massachusetts. Please contact your state licensing or certification board to determine whether the program meets the requirements for licensure or certification in other states.



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